Lynne Brownfield
Brownfield Orchard LLC, Chelan WA
"JoAnn Krall is a miracle worker. I have done all of the physical work, yet her kind, strong, intelligent, and fun spirit has lifted the weight off of me. Her organization skills are exceptional and her understanding of people is even beyond that! JoAnn knows HOW to help a person unbury themself. I was still struggling after my mother's passing years ago and JoAnn’s compassion and focus got me through some tough boxes I had been pushing aside. She sets the tone for “come as you are” in her coaching sessions. I can arrive with no clue of where to start or what to do next.
The first thing I learned was the difference between maintenance and progress. I have learned multiple organizing strategies each and every time. JoAnn’s wealth of knowledge runs deep. She knows business and accounting at an advanced level. Then she turns around and helps you decide where to store a bed pillow. JoAnn listens to your specific needs and helps you create a personalized solution. It has been an absolute joy to work with her! I feel more confident having benefited from JoAnn’s talent. She shares her expertise in such a pleasant way. She truly gives a person Productivity, Peace, and Prosperity."

Kat Kim
Spiritual Teacher and Confidence Coach
"I got so much out of our call JoAnn. THANK YOU so much for offering this. You'd be proud to know that I spent an hour yesterday going through my Dropbox folder and deleting all the files I don't need, and I have officially cleaned it out. WOW - who knew it would be that easy?
Next - I'm going to do the same with all the files on my desktop. =) I feel lighter already. This is something I've been wanting to do for YEARS so this is exciting! Perfect way to enter the new year.
So grateful for your time. Thank you!"

Gail McMeekin
President, Creative Success LLC, Boston
Author of "The 12 Secrets of Highly Creative Women" and "The 12 Secrets of Highly Successful Women"
"JoAnn Krall is indeed a sensible organizer. She is calm, non-judgmental and very supportive. She helped me to sort out and throw out piles of papers in my office and then get them in filed and in order. As a writer and a workshop leader, I had many articles and handouts and parts of books that were unfiled and all over the place. It was totally overwhelming and it took forever to find things. Now, I just got ready to teach a workshop and I went to the two drawers related to that topic, and everything was in the right folder, and it was a breeze to grab what I needed. I think of her almost every day as I now know where things are! JoAnn will save you hours of valuable time as well as your sanity! I highly recommend that you hire JoAnn, so that you too can have your relationship with paper transformed."

Priscilla Hansen Mahoney, CPC
Owner - Blazing Trails Coaching
"I have been looking for a step by step organizing program that works for ME and my lifestyle. Tried Fly-Lady - I like the concepts, but never really clicked with her. I've tried Marie Kondo, but if I followed her advice - I would have no clothes left. Her advice is if you don't absolutely love it - to toss it. I don't love any of my clothes, they are practical and functional. BUT then came JoAnn!! Her program is easy, functional, and split down into tiny baby steps. Even though I haven't been doing her program day-by-day the way she has it laid out (I binge clean on the weekends) She has really inspired me to look at my home in little "mini stations" - I clean and organize one little place at a time. IF any one wants a clean and tidy home in 29 days - get her program! It's great, and JoAnn will feel like a best friend you have coffee with and plan your day."

Deb Coman
Content Marketing Strategist, Copywriter, and Speaker
"True confession--this is not the first organizing program or resource I bought but it will be the last! Finally, a program that offers simple steps, strategies, and support that truly make a difference. JoAnn’s approach to decluttering, cleaning, and organizing is straightforward and doable. Her course allows you to accomplish something daily and see the cumulative results over time. Better yet, even when I’m not working the daily video task, the earlier lessons are still running in my head helping me to continue to take action. I highly recommend Clearing a Path to Peace when you’re finished messing around and ready to get organized for good!"